While there are many debates over whether you should blog on Blogger or WordPress as your platform, there is one area that WordPress is by far superior; their supply of free widget plugins. WordPress doesn’t need any introduction as it is one of the most famous and leading Content Management System in web development.
The wordpress recent posts widget in WordPress outputs a list of the titles of your recent blog posts and the only option you have is how many to show. If you are aware of some other best recent posts widgets for wordpress which are useful for users, do let us know by commenting below in the comment section, we hope you find this list helpful.
I hope you enjoyed this post! Please let us know in the comment section. Also be sure to bookmark this; you never know when it’ll come in handy! You may be interested in the following modern trends related articles as well: Premium WordPress Themes for Writers, Free Lightroom Presets for Designers, Free Landing Page WordPress Plugins and Free WordPress Responsive Themes.
1. WP List Pages
This plugin will make a new widget available in the Widgets Section, so you could easily add it in any widgetized area of your theme. With this widget you will be able to list pages or posts or any other post-type, filtering them by terms of categories, tags and any other active custom taxonomy.

2. Posts Slider
Posts Slider is a WordPress posts content slider plugin with touch for mobile devices. Posts slider displays your blog’s recent posts using beautiful slider. Description Posts slider is light weight touch supported, responsive posts content slider plugin.

3. Magic Post Listing
Using Magic Post Listing (MPL) you can simply create content sliders for your website. MPL has some advanced options for filtering posts or pages. Magic Post Listing has ability to show thumbnails of posts/pages so you can simply create advanced image sliders and link the images to post/page URLs.

4. Recent Posts Widget Extended
This plugin will enable a custom, flexible and super advanced recent posts, you can display it via shortcode or widget. Allows you to display a list of the most recent posts with thumbnail, excerpt and post date, also you can display it from all or specific or multiple taxonomy, post type and much more!

5. Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails
The thumbnails will be built from the featured image of a post or of the first image in the post content. If there is neither a featured image nor a content image then you can define a default thumbnail.

6. Newstastic Post Slider
This little widget will display your posts from all or selected categories in a horizonal or vertical format, you can select a few options on what you’d like to show and set the width, height etc. This is a first release so we welcome feedback. If you’d like us to customise it for your site, let us know.

7. Flexible Posts Widget
The default Recent Posts widget is exceptionally basic. I always find myself in need of a way to easily display a selection of posts from any combination post type or taxonomy. Hence, Flexible Post Widget.

8. Recent Post List
This plugin is used for simple users who dont have that much programing skills and knowledge. This plug in is amazing because it is very easy to use, it can do a fine amount of functions which serve us as a programmer.

9. Custom Recent Posts
This plugin provides a way to WordPress user to display the most recent posts from multiple custom post types in multiple widgetized areas. In function, it is not like the default Recent Posts widget, as it is a widget for displaying recent posts form different post types, but it allows you to choose what post types to display.

10. Special Recent Posts
Special Recent Posts free Edition is one of the most advanced WordPress plugin to manage your posts with thumbnails. With an incredible easy configuration and a wonderful look, you’re just a click away from setting up your awesome layout.

This post is an editorial contribution from CWR Website Design, an Austin, TX based design and development firm.