The color scheme of a website is obviously one of the most significant design decisions that needs to be made. Choosing the proper colors for a website is certainly a very important step of the creative process. In this post we’ve listed some outclass examples of minimal color usage in web design. The sites that are featured in this post are using a simple color scheme of mostly black, white and gray. The colors in these designs and minimal but perfect for the design. These make the designs look elegant, graceful, chic and appealing. So check these examples out and get inspired.
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1. MyOwnBike
2. Webdagene
3. Frieze Magazine
4. David Airey
5. Shoshorov
6. Chrome Web Lab
7. Kershaw Knives
8. Big Bite Creative
9. LayerVault
10. Postmates
11. B&F
12. Cheshire Maintenance
13. The New Yorker
14. Rik Catlow
15. Jon Tangerine
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