A big chunk of the population tends to think that Maths is not their cup of tea, which might be true for some people. For others, the technique that they grew up learning Maths with might have ruined the essence of the subject. However, if you are a parent, it is always best to let your child decide if they are into the subject or not. What you can do meanwhile is to make the journey as light and fun as possible.

Start from the basics
While dealing in numbers, one should always remember that unlike history, you can’t mug it up without understanding the basics. Memorizing a particular technique or a formula, in the long run, might solve the problem momentarily but that’s not what you’re aiming to. Understanding the basic algorithm of any issue or the origin of a theory can help the child grow interest in the subject and make it easier for them to execute.
Emphasize on the logic
Solving Maths might not always be about the correct answers, sure that counts in class performance or minor tests that follow. However, if you aim at improving your child’s Maths skills, you need to get their logic right. Emphasize on why they should follow a particular step. This will help develop an ability to recognize problems and thus, easier troubleshooting.
Make it fun with puzzles and games
At times, regular Maths solving can get extremely monotonous, especially with the onset of trigonometry followed by spine-breaking calculus formulae. You can help your kid cope up with this stress by imbibing tricky Maths puzzles or games in their schedule. This not only acts as a break but also helps them clear their mind up to start afresh.
Start slow, go steady
If you have figured out that your kid is facing trouble with this subject, it would be wise to slow down the process. Although during exams, they will have a deadline to catch up with, practice hours can wait. There isn’t any need to rush your child up right from the beginning of the session. Help them with the basics and allow them to form their grip before you pick up the pace for the stricter part of the syllabi.
Break it down
Once the kid knows the basics and has developed a grip, there is now a need to speed the process up a little. There might not be the need to always solve lengthy problems in pen paper, that is when calculators come in the scene. In most educational institutions, students are allowed to use calculators after a specific grade. And if need be, you can introduce this hexadecimal calculator which is available online to help your child buckle up with the subject.
These few things can significantly help you make Maths not too grave and difficult for your kid and they might actually end up loving it. And at the end of the day, it’s a lot about how encouraging you’re towards the entire scenario of helping your child to get through with the subject.