Sometimes it seems like Tumblr is the most often overlooked blogging platform out there. People are never quite sure what to make of it. Tumblelog is a form of microblogging which enables users to post texts, images, videos, etc, such that their followers can receive up-to-date entries. It has a wide range of features which eradicates the complexity that was there earlier.
It provides numerous Tumblr themes with unique features which could be very easily used to alter the looks of the Tumblr site. There is a growing community of designers out there creating some very cool free themes you can install on your site, giving you a totally new look and added functionality.
Tumblr’s competitors also provide themes for their users but they may not be free and attractive in the same time. So here I have collected 20 great Tumblr themes which we have consider them as the more unique and elegant ones across numerous Tumblelogs. Enjoy!
1. The Minimalist

2. Redux

3. Fluid

4. Stationery

5. One Very Important Thought

6. Vertigo

7. Papercut

8. Rubber Cement

9. Chunky

10. Organ

11. Minimal

12. Kalalalani

13. Inkhorn

14. Bus Full of Hippies

15. Catching Elephant

16. Astronaut

17. Solstice

18. Photo Stack

19. Effector Theme

20. Strict

21. Easy Reader 2

22. Office

Do you use or design themes for Tumblr? What’s your favorite Tumblr theme? Let us know in the comments!