Looking for a proven way to start selling online or to boost current profits by offering a visual for customers to look at? Video marketing is the key to success and with amazing chances to boost sales and attract new clients, this form of marketing has become a top choice for online app developers. Each day, over 100 million internet users will access an online video and 50% of those will watch a branded video.
Get ready to learn how video marketing can lead to huge increases in profits and can instantly provide success for new products and services.
Video Marketing Stats
Over the years, tons of research has been done to prove that video marketing is in fact the way to go. This research shows that this form of marketing has a higher success rate and will reach more potential customers than standard marketing formats, such as banners or basic site content. Video marketing is being used for more than a mere attention grabber. It is now being used in the various stages of sales to engage customers and to educate them on a product or service. The end result is a dynamic boost in leads and conversion rates.
The following stats show how video marketing can be successful and since previous research has shown that this form of marketing is the up and coming trend, it is important for anyone promoting a product or service online to be aware of these breath-taking stats.
- Social video increases shares by 1200% over text and images
- Those using video marketing have 41% more web traffic
- Poor video quality can lead to 62% of customer misconception
- Landing page videos can offer an 80% increase in conversions
- Homepage videos boost conversions by 20%
- Videos uploaded on Facebook have a 10x higher each than other platforms
- 40% of consumers state they would be more apt to make a purchase from a video
- 87% of all online marketers make use of video marketing and content
Create Engaging Video
As mentioned, the poor quality in some videos will lead to the reduction in client interest, so it is essential to have the best quality and to create engaging video content. Just getting the attention of a potential customer is not good enough, the video must capture the attention and keep the customer interested in the product or service that is being offered. Any video that keeps a viewer watching for a longer period of time will have a higher ranking and this is a huge motivator for anyone using video marketing. Developers of videos should not just produce high quality video, but aim to create attractive content that will hold the attention of viewers.
The best idea for the video content, the perfect orientation, and the correct length will only make sense if you choose the best video editor that provides you with everything you need from an editing solution. Remember that viewers are looking for unique content. So, always go the extra mile to create fresh content that appeals to your target audience.
Here are a few tips on how to create this engaging content so that video marketing will be a success when used to promote any product online. First, never try to beat the system to gain ranking. Focus on keyword research and produce videos on a regular basis. Next, always have a target audience and know what age group to target, what will capture the attention of clients and what benefits these clients are looking for in a product.
Next, when creating a video, be sure it captivates the viewer in the first few seconds. Make sure the video lets them know what is being offered and provides a reason to continue watching. A final consideration will go to the description of the video and the headlines that are being used. The video may be engaging, but may not show up in searches due to poor keyword usage.
Distribute the Video on Platforms
Once engaging video content has been created and the video is of the best possible quality, it is time to place that video on a platform so it can be accessed and viewed by the target audience. Choosing the right video distribution platform is essential for success and wit many options, one will have to determine which will provide the most benefits and will reach the most potential customers.
One of the first places to upload a video is to YouTube. This is one of the largest search engines used on a daily basis and using this platform will provide a far better reach than many others. YouTube is not just a video strategy, it is also used to attract attention and to get viewers to visit the site where they can receive more information on the product or service.
Social networks can also be a great place and can be helpful sources that can be used to distribute videos. Social channels including Twitter, G+, Facebook and LinkedIn can all be beneficial, as well as Pintrest and Instagram. Each day, millions of users access these social network sites, so a well designed and engaging video will surely boost profits and will generate more leads.
Don’t overlook personal blog sites, where devoted viewers will visit on a regular basis to learn of new products and new ideas. Placing a video on a blog site is another great way to boost interest and it is also a free option.