Why WordPress Professionals Need Business Insurance

Every business is prone to different risks. To ensure protection against unanticipated losses, one must have a small business insurance. WordPress business is no exception. Unfortunately, most WordPress business owners are preoccupied with responding to clients, growing their conversion rate, and increasing sales to think about protecting their assets.

Should you Insure your WordPress Business?

Though insurance companies insinuate that every eventuality must be covered, it is advisable to reevaluate your business, its challenges, and potential risks. Determine how you intend to manage the different potential risks. How much insurance coverage do you need? Premiums are an extra business expense that comes in handy when a risk occurs, and the insurance pays off.

WordPress hosts a wide range of businesses with varied insurance needs. There are different insurance covers that cater to WordPress businesses. They include:

  • Health and Disability Cover

WordPress business owners rely on their eyes to view computer screens and hands to type. What if your ability to see and type are compromised? Would learn to operate your business differently? Though you may be young and energetic, health should always be a major concern. Accidents may occur, and as you age, health complications increase.

Health insurance categories include critical illness, health and dental, and disability and long-term care. Choose the health insurance type that is critical to maintaining your business and financial stability.

  • Liability Insurance

As a WordPress business owner, you must know and protect what clients believe you are liable for. For instance, you could be a developer who ends up losing client data when upgrading a website. The client could sue for damages and lost revenue that you may not afford to pay. General liability insurance manages risks resulting from loss of data, bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury.

  • Errors and Omissions Insurance

Also known as professional liability insurance, errors and omission insurance covers unintentional mistakes and mistakes resulting from poor judgment and negligence. Hence, it is ideal for businesses that provide professional advice and services. For instance, if you are tasked to upgrade a client’s website but you forget to backup the database and lose it because of your mistake, what would your liability be and would you be in a position to compensate the client? Errors and omissions cover protects you and your client.

  • Partnership Insurance

If your WordPress business operates as a partnership, it is advisable to have a partnership insurance cover to ensure that no partner faces liability alone. Legal counsel may be necessary to assist with structuring your partnership insurance cover in a bid to ensure that all partners are protected and share liability fairly. It factors in issues that arise from family legislation, creditors, and tax.

  • Workers Compensation Insurance

Legally, workers compensation insurance is mandatory if you run a WordPress agency with employees. Based on your jurisdiction, you can purchase the workers’ compensation cover from a private insurance company or a government body mandated to provide the services. Note that workers compensation insurance is not required if you do not have employees.


Take time to evaluate your potential liabilities and the insurance covers that can best protect your WordPress business interests. Insurance requirements vary based on the type of services offered by a WordPress business.