Why Comodo SSL is Perfect For Any Website

If you want to keep your site secure and your users as safe as can be, installing a Comodo SSL on your site is a no-brainer. In this day and age, SSL certificates are incredibly necessary.

Once your site is SSL-enabled, every time a user or customer visits your site via their web browser, an encrypted connection will be created. Encrypted connections keep personal data safe from prying eyes. No matter what kind of site you have, data security and privacy should be a top priority. Plus, it’ll stop major browsers like Chrome and Safari from flagging your website as “not secure”. What’s not to love?

So, why Comodo?

When it comes to choosing the best SSL for your site, there’s a lot to consider. First, there’s the issuing Certificate Authority or CA. CAs are the guys who deal in SSL certificate management; they track, issue, and revoke certificates while also performing background checks on those who request the SSLs. You need to be sure that the CA issuing your SSL is a legitimate authority, trusted by and compatible with all major browsers and applications. Fortunately, Comodo is such a CA and a known trusted source for SSLs across the cybersecurity industry. One of the leading commercial CAs around the world, Comodo has worked with over 70,000 companies and has issued over 100 million digital certificates in its 20 years of business.

The second key element to consider is the type of SSL certificate you need. Someone with a small blog is going to have different needs to a large enterprise with a large portfolio of websites. Fortunately, Comodo offers a wide range of SS certificates suitable for websites of all shapes and sizes. Everything from single domain SSLs to multi-domain certificates, as well as Wildcard SSL certificates, which secure one subdomain and unlimited subdomains of one level linked to it.

It also offers a range of validation levels for SSL certificates, which dictates the extent of background checks performed on the person or organization requesting an SSL. For e-commerce sites or any other site requesting personal data from its users, the more background checks performed, the better for customer peace of mind. The three validation levels are:

  • Domain Validation (DV): With this level of validation, the CA checks that the person requesting a website has access to that website.
  • Organization validation (OV): More extensive checks that confirm the existence of the organization requesting the SSL.
  • Enterprise Validation (EV): Even more rigorous background checks are carried out on the organization requesting the SSL.


No matter what kind of website you have, installing an SSL certificate is paramount for success. For a trusted, reliable SSL certificate that won’t let you down, a Comodo SSL is a perfect choice.