There are numerous ways to earn a decent living on the internet. One factor that is common to all methods, however, is the need for consistent, high-quality, and high volume traffic. Traffic, in short, is the golden path to sustainable income on the internet.
The ultimate question, though, is how does one build this traffic? And specifically, as an cam model, what are the traffic sources that can be leveraged to achieve this goal?

In case you’ve ever found yourself wondering what the answer to these questions is, you don’t have to wonder anymore. Below are key strategies that are sure to yield great results in no time.
As a cam model, you simply have to take advantage of the enormous exposure, branding, and promotion opportunities that blogging has to offer. Using it as a tool to give the fans a little personal insight into your everyday life creates a special appeal. This connection generates repeated traffic from a fan base of guys and girls that will keep coming back to see more of you.
Posting on friendly content creation platforms like WordPress and Tumblr and then optimizing with keywords of your niche can generate tons of organic traffic to your other sites and even social media pages.
Social media Marketing
Social media is, of course, a great tool to reach a wide yet specific audience. Unlike other promotional tools, you can freely present yourself in a particular light while reaching your audience. Generally, social media are free to use, but building an audience and gaining followers can be of enormous benefits if done right.
Twitter is your best bet to harness social media’s power as a cam model. To get even better in traffic, network with other cam models for retweets and get your brand in front of their legion of fans.
Banner and Link Exchange
A great way to get instant traffic is to reach out to other cam models in your niche to exchange banners or links. With this arrangement, you would place your banner or link strategically on their websites/profiles while you return the favor by doing the same for them.
If you already have significant photo editing skills, you should be able to design a banner for yourself in no time. Or better still, you can make use of resourceful platforms like Designurbate where you’ll have access to tons of high-quality, ready-made banner templates free of charge. This way you can edit and export your banners in no time and proceed to exchange banner links with as many models as possible.
Search Engine Optimization
Search engines remain the number one method of navigation for internet users. Finding a way to be visible on the search engine by ranking high for keywords in your niche is the ultimate way to gain loads of traffic daily for free.
Though not guaranteed, there are a few tips to boost your chances of appearing on the first few pages of the search result of your niche. First, place the primary keywords for your niche in H1 and H2 of your post. Ensure your picture is posted with pointing keywords. Also, include your high-volume keywords in your description and add keywords in ALT text, images and Meta tags.
Add a Watermark to your Promotional Video and Image
Always mark your content with your URL, logo or brand name, whether you are posting videos or images on social media or websites. You are likely to miss out on a great deal of new audience and fans from any viral content if you ignore this simple tip. With a watermark on your image or videos, all potential viewers have to do is type your model name into google and land on your page.