Why is Visual Content so Important in Marketing?

In a hugely competitive online environment, you need to ensure that the content you produce and share is aimed at grabbing the attention of potential customers and retaining it. No matter how good your product or service is, if you do not market it in the right way, you are likely to lose out to your competitors.

One of the best ways to ensure the effectiveness of your content marketing strategy is to seek help from professionals such as Quikclicks . They can help you to understand the value of good content. One of the areas that is especially worth your attention is the use of visual content. There are several reasons why this is so important.

Ease of recognition and retention

Take a look at information about psychology, and you can see that people learn a lot easier from visuals than they do from text. This because the human brain is mainly designed to deal with images rather than words. This means that the people you are trying to attract to your brand are more likely to react to a well-chosen image than a page that is crammed with text.

Popularity across social media

Social media is such an excellent free marketing tool that your business needs to use as effectively as possible. Channels such as Pinterest and YouTube are aimed directly at sharing visual content and can provide an excellent means by which to share pictures of ideas (for a kitchen designer) or a video about make-up application (for an online make-up and beauty store). They provide a means of connecting with your audience in a way that is not possible using text. It’s not just these channels where visual content works either; according to research, Facebook posts which feature images get 53% more likes and 84% more click throughs. You cannot afford to ignore these figures.

Ease of producing an image

One of the biggest positives to using visual content online is that it’s easy to produce. Technology has advanced to the point where all you need is a decent smart phone and you can capture an image or a short video. It’s easy to do and it’s always best to produce your own visual content if you can. Stock images have a fake feel about them; no matter how good they are. Of course, sharing content produced by others is an option, and it’s a good thing to do, if the post is relevant and appealing to your customer base. However, this should never replace creating your own original content for your website and to share on social media.

Obviously, you need to use text for a good deal of your content marketing; a well-written page or blog post is a useful tool. However, using too much text is not a good idea. You can use an image that says exactly the same as several paragraphs more effectively. It’s important to get the balance right and make sure that you do not neglect visual content.