Business cards are a must-have for every self-respecting company. An effective business card is a great way to impress your clients. Some designers like to create business cards with lots of colors and illustrations while other designers prefer a more minimalistic approach. Most people might have different opinion on what minimal design should be. But one thing we can all agree, that simplicity is the key.
In this article you’ll find some examples of minimal business card design that will hopefully inspire you. It’s for you to choose now what is best suitable to your stylistic taste. Take a look and feel free to have one now!
Minimalizm Business Card

Business Card

Precision Networking

Adam Morris

Cotton Business Card

Business Card Design by Swift20

Aaron Kapor

Minimal Business Card

Hoey Design

Bellucci Stores

GS Stirling Communications Inc

Hero Film Business Card


Business Card Design

Stephen De Wolf

Justine Ungaro


Personal Business Card

Another Limited Rebellion, Inc

Projecti One

Minimalist Business Card

Elemental Architecture

Minimal Business Card by Glenngoh

Rent to Own

Agency ND